Tag: Africa

Ghost-Summoning Drums
Art + Stories

Ghost-Summoning Drums

Piotr Cichocki, an ethnographer and curator of the 1000Hz record label, talks about the Vimbuza dance ceremony in Malawi.
Jan Błaszczak
Food Imperialism Is Alive in Africa
Soul + Body
Good Food

Food Imperialism Is Alive in Africa

On the continent of Africa, the colonial economic arrangements never really ended. To discover this, you need look no further than the food on your plates.
Waithera Sebatindira
You’ll See When the Rain Comes
World + People

You’ll See When the Rain Comes

The Nile river eventually flows into the Mediterranean Sea, but has more humble origins. One such source is the Blue Nile at Lake Tana in Ethiopia, where water can be in short supply for large parts of the year.
Paulina Wilk
1313 Was a Strange Year…
World + People

1313 Was a Strange Year…

The global 14th-century map would be unrecognizable to the eyes of today. Empires and states were thriving in Africa and Asia, while the so-called “Old Continent” was of much lesser significance.
Adam Węgłowski