Birna Anna Björnsdóttir

An Icelandic writer who lives in New York and Reykjavik. She is the author of four novels. The latest one, “107 Reykjavík. Skemmtisaga fyrir lengra komna”, was published in 2020 in Iceland and was written together with Auður Jónsdóttir.
To Everything, Tern Tern Tern
World + People

To Everything, Tern Tern Tern

A short story set in 2040, when due to global warming Iceland’s climate becomes vastly colder and harsher. A biology teacher disappears during a school trip and her daughter starts to search for her.
Birna Anna Björnsdóttir
The Season of Jólabókaflóðið
Art + Stories
Fiction, Opinions

The Season of Jólabókaflóðið

The love for literature is what has always connected Icelanders. We sometimes claim that everyone on the island is a writer.
Birna Anna Björnsdóttir