Tag: ritual

Sacred Returns
World + People
Dreams and Visions

Sacred Returns

Scholar of religion Mircea Eliade observed that myths help similar customs and behaviors to develop in both religious and secularized societies.
Tomasz Wiśniewski
Daily Grace
Soul + Body
Good Mood

Daily Grace

Everyday rituals are ephemeral prayers, a hint to the gods for protection, encircling life like a fragrant garland.
Jay Griffiths
There were no Witches, only Women
Soul + Body
Good Mood

There were no Witches, only Women

What does it mean to be a witch in 21st-century Europe? Our cross-border reportage tries to answer this question by looking for the granddaughters of the witches that Europe was never able to burn. The heroes of this part include the descendants of those persecuted during the Basque trials.
Ana Maria Luca
I Just Pray
Art + Stories

I Just Pray

What does it mean to be a witch in 21st-century Europe? Our new cross-border reportage tries to answer this question by looking for the granddaughters of the witches that Europe was never able to burn. The heroes of the first part include village healers from North-Eastern Poland.
Ada Petriczko