Tag: Sweden

Alone in the Bosom of Nature
World + People
Dreams and Visions

Alone in the Bosom of Nature

It is often said that Sweden is a ‘loners’ paradise’, but there is more to this than meets the eye. How, for example, is the Swedish concept of ‘solitude’ connected with time spent in nature?
Katarzyna Tubylewicz
Art + Stories


One of our authors imagines the encounters of various Swedes – and a Pole! – with a mythical imp known as Pukke.
Grzegorz Uzdański
Fragile Women
Art + Stories
Experiences, Opinions

Fragile Women

Mathilda Gustavsson, author of “The Club”, talks about her journalistic work uncovering the Jean-Claude Arnault rape scandal at the heart of the Swedish Academy.
Paulina Małochleb
Liberal and Puritan
Soul + Body

Liberal and Puritan

Swedes are well-known across the world for their relaxed attitude to nakedness. Yet, in recent years, the Scandinavian country’s relationship with nudity has become more complex.
Katarzyna Tubylewicz
Carl and Karin Larsson’s Arcadia
Art + Stories

Carl and Karin Larsson’s Arcadia

The home of Swedish artists Carl and Karin Larsson, called Lilla Hyttnäs, was an inspiration not only to the Larsson family, but to national design aesthetics in Sweden.
Agnieszka Drotkiewicz